
Jason Culbertson

President of Insight Education Group

Jason Culbertson is president of Insight Education Group. He is responsible for overseeing the delivery of services and ensures that our partners receive the highest quality support possible. Prior to joining Insight, Jason served as the executive vice president at a national education non-profit organization as well as in South Carolina’s Department of Education. In those roles, he was responsible for the implementation of a variety of educator effectiveness, school improvement, and professional development initiatives as well as leading a variety of educator conferences. Jason has received over $500 Million through competitive grants over the past decade.

One of Jason’s core beliefs is that providing every child with an outstanding education is the most critical 21st century challenge because of the causal impact of education on all of our other challenges. Every student deserves a high-quality teacher every year, and teachers deserve training, support, coaching, tools, and resources to succeed.

More information about Jason Culbertson is available on http://www.insighteducationgroup.com/our-team-jason-culbertson.

My Sessions

Instructional Coaching: The Number 1 Lever to Improve Student Outcomes

Target Audience: School leaders. Research indicates the most effective type of professional development is personalized instructional coaching. This session focuses on best practices on coaching – lessons, PLCs, and leadership teams. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an overview for instructional coaching including identifying high leverage areas of strength and growth as well […]


Traction for School Improvement (TSI): A System for Pedagogical Leadership Teams(2 days)

Target audience: School leaders, instructional leadership teams, key decision makers in schools, school owners. Recommended to attend as a group of instructional leadership team of 5 or more. In the 21st Century, the complexity of leading organizations such as schools continues to increase, while individual leaders’ capacity to directly manage all aspects of change is […]


Traction for School Improvement (TSI): A System for Pedagogical Leadership Teams(2 days)

Target audience: School leaders, instructional leadership teams, key decision makers in schools, school owners. Recommended to attend as a group of instructional leadership team of 5 or more. In the 21st Century, the complexity of leading organizations such as schools continues to increase, while individual leaders’ capacity to directly manage all aspects of change is […]